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Bee Gees - Bury Me Down By The River

Bee Gees — Bury Me Down By The River

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Bury Me Down By The River

I wasn't born in the morning, no
I must have been born in the night
I've done my load and I'll carry my load
And all I own is my life
I wasn't born to be lucky,
Cause luck had no future with me
I've done my wrong and I'll sing, sing, sing my song
and stand beneath the hanging tree
Bury me down by the river
Let all the towns people see
Their enemy's dead, let me lay, lay my head
Just put me down and set me free
I wasn't born as a rich man, no
A rich man I never, I never could be
I've done my wrong and I'll sing, sing, sing my song
And stand beneath the hanging tree
(Everybody sing now)
Bury me down by the river, lord no
Let all the towns people see, see
Their enemy's dead, let me lay, lay, lay my head
Just put me down and set me free
(I want to hear everybody sing)
Bury me down by the river
Let all the towns, let all the towns people see
Their enemy's dead, let me lay, let met lay, let me lay my head along
Just put me down and set me free
(Set me free)

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