Тексты и переводы песен

E.S.P. (Demo)

Somewhere, out across the nation
Someone, waiting in the shadows
Listen, I don't wanna hear
Return to, sender
Calling, I can see the future
Someday, signal with a single motion
Show me you believe in someone, someone
Well baby you give me
You give me the runaround
Just another night with you
Your on my mind
And we got love
And love'll take you higher and higher and higher
I communicate with you
Tell me what it means to feel
What am I supposed to do
Nothing any words can say
Nothing that we know is real
We will take your breath away
Your breath away
Danger, suddenly an early warning
Suddenly the soul is burning
But I still believe in someone, somewhere
Baby you give me
You give me the runaround
Just another night with you
Your on my mind
And we got love
And love'll take you higher and higher and higher
Higher and higher
I communicate with you
Tell me what it means to feel
What am I supposed to do
And it'll take you higher and higher and higher
Higher and higher
Higher and higher
Be prepared to make your sacrifice, babe
Far beyond the point of no return, oh no
And we got love
And love'll take you higher and higher and higher
Higher and higher
Higher and higher
Higher and higher
We can take your breath away
I communicate with you [I communicate]
Tell me what it means to feel [don't you, don't you]
What am I supposed to do
Nothing any words can say [oh baby, nothing any words can]
Nothing that we know is real
We can take your breath away
Nothing any words can say [oh baby, nothing any words can]
Nothing that we know is real
We can take your breath away…

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