Тексты и переводы песен

He's a Liar

I was stood by the light as I looked through the window
With the greatest intention, not meaning to see
I was there in the dark and I saw you together
You were up in his arms, I was down on my knees
Get the cards on the table, no need to pretend
You've got to be cruel to be kind
He can sell you his love and you know you will pay 'cause
He's a liar
He's a liar
And I should know, liar
He's a liar
And I should know
Well, they told me I fell but I just don't remember
I was standing face down, they were there at my feet
There was smoke in the air and sweet smell of leather
I was through the window and down in the street
Well, I'm cold and I'm hungry but I'm still alive
And it's not how I want it to be
There's a hand on my shoulder
He said I'll survive, but
He's a liar
He's a liar
And I should know
He's a liar
He's a liar
And I should know
Was it not for the man that was blocking the drive?
Was it not for the red limousine?
I'd be millions of miles from the scene of the crime
And somehow in this madness believe she was mine, but
I'm a liar
He's a liar
And I should know
He's a liar
And I should know
He's a liar
He's a liar
And I should know
He's a liar
He's a liar
And I should know
He's a liar
He's a liar
And I should know
He's a liar
He's a liar
And I should know

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