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Bee Gees - I've Gotta Get a Message to You

Bee Gees — I've Gotta Get a Message to You

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I've Gotta Get a Message to You

The preacher talked to me and he smiled,
Said, come and walk with me,
Come and walk one more mile.
Now for once in your life you're alone,
But you ain't got a dime,
There's no time for the phone.
I've just got to get a message to you,
Hold on, hold on.
One more hour and my life will be through,
Hold on, hold on.
I told him I'm in no hurry,
But if I broke her heart,
Won't you tell her I'm sorry.
And for once in my life I'm alone,
And I've got to let her know
Just in time before I go.
I've just got to get a message to you,
Hold on, hold on.
One more hour and my life will be through,
Hold on, hold on.
Well I laughed,
But that didn't hurt,
And it's only her love
That keeps me wearing this dirt.
Now I'm crying,
But deep down inside,
Well I did it to him,
Now it's my turn to die.
I've just got to get a message to you,
Hold on, hold on.
One more hour and my life will be through,
Hold on, hold on.
I've just got to get a message to her,
Hold on, hold on.
One more hour and my life will be through,
Hold on, hold on.

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