Тексты и переводы песен

Emo Club Anthem

Feelings numb
Feelings numb
Feelings numb
Feelings numb
Feelings numb
Vicious cycle of psycho
Naked pics on my iPhone
Spreading drugs on the table
Love the fact that I hate you
Pass a week 'til I'm passing out
Face is blue while I'm blacking out
Russian shots, am I rationale?
Sad as fuck now I'm happy
Dance through my home like Sherlock
Fuck me blindfold like Bird Box
Trash bag, my clothes got thrown out
Got bags under my third eye
All this because I'm numb
Acid all on your tongue
I can't stop getting drunk
Woke up like what the fuck?
Drugs, I just wanna have fun
I don't care that you're gone
Party until the sun because I love drugs
Feelin' too lit to cry
You don't want me, that's fine
Not gonna waste my high because I love drugs
Not gonna waste my high
I love drugs
You don't want me, that's fine
I love drugs
Feelin' too lit to cry
I love drugs
Feelin' too lit to cry
I love drugs
Head is spinnin', dread the feeling
Outside, inside dead, forgive me
Lost the money, thoughts are running
No self-love, my stock will plummet
It's easy to get fucked up
It's crazy that I love you
I'm married to all my vices
It scares me to be self righteous
Might spin like car do donuts
I heal my pain from one puff
My trauma poured in one cup
My mama know I'm fucked up
All my problems are handmade
Self-hate cut deep, need Band-Aids
I can't stop getting drunk
Woke up like what the fuck?
Drugs, I just wanna have fun
I don't care that you're gone
Party until the sun because I love drugs
Feelin' too lit to cry
You don't want me, that's fine
Not gonna waste my high because I love drugs
Not gonna waste my high
I love drugs
You don't want me, that's fine
I love drugs
Feelin' too lit to cry
I love drugs
Feelin' too lit to cry
I love drugs
I love drugs (I love drugs)
I love drugs (I love drugs)
I love drugs (I love drugs)
I love drugs (I love drugs)
(Feelings numb)
(Feelings numb)
(Feelings numb)
(Feelings numb)
(Feelings numb)
(Feelings numb)
(Feelings numb)
(Feelings numb)

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