Тексты и переводы песен

? (Question Mark)

My mind makes up ideas
That I forget too fast
How do I know when it begins?
No one can tell me
What could be the best
Hey, that's one thing I'd never miss
I look around and try it out
I don't know which way to go
Today I'm coming
Today I'm leaving too
And tomorrow it's gonna be all over
Maybe I'll stick around
Come bother yesterday
Today I need a love that never ends
Today I'm coming
Today I'm leaving too
And tomorrow it's gonna be all over
Maybe I'll stick around
Come bother yesterday
Today I need a love that never ends
You drive your car too fast
You're just traveling around
I haven't seen much of this world
No one can tell me
Who the greatest is
Hey, that's one thing I'd never miss
'Cause I really know so well
What will be the best for me
Today I'm coming
Today I'm leaving too
And tomorrow it's gonna be all over
Maybe I'll stick around
Come bother yesterday
Today I need a love that never ends
Today I'm coming
Today I'm leaving too
And tomorrow it's gonna be all over
Maybe I'll stick around
Come bother yesterday
Today I need a love that never ends

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