Тексты и переводы песен


Neneh Cherry — Hornbeam

с альбома: Man (1996)


Hard black soil called the Chernozem
Driving uptown with some per diems
Won't somebody check the hem
Falling down this dress again
Sporting hot jeans on the butt again
Got to get home before the mayhem
Leave that fem for another tide
Before we run and hide again

Got a hornbeam growing in the garden
Always climbing the tree is the morphine
Got a view of the love and I'm chillin'
Got a view of the hem of the horizon

Stole the wheel off a car called a Porsche
While I was chewing the fat that disturbs me
It's always there because we
We play the game the we are
I got a view on outer space paparazzi
It's always there cause I know that they watch me
I bathe away in darkness
All because I'm paranoid

Got a hornbeam growing in the garden
Always climbing the tree is the morphine
Got a view of the love and I'm chillin'
Got a view of the hem of the horizon

Won't you unbotton my stuff
Won't you come and zip me up
Won't you unbotton my stuff
Won't you come and zip me up

Chauvinistic femme come arousing
Got a groove in the hem of your hygiene
Won't somebody break my boundary
Or leave that femme for another day
I like my brain and I like my bimbo
I like 'em vain let 'em lick my limbo
The boldest kiss the mayhem
Slipping down the waterside
Mum & dad are feeling kind of hurt
To get me back they got to get me first
Am I guilty quench my thirst
Spill my wine and french I quim

Got a hornbeam growing in the garden
Always climbing the tree is the morphine
Got a view of the love and I'm chillin'
Got a view of the hem of the orizon

Won't you unbotton my stuff
Won't you come and zip me up
Won't you unbotton my stuff
Won't you come and zip me up

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