Тексты и переводы песен


[Verse 1]
I love the taste of you in the morning
Keep me warm and
Nothin' else, nothin' more important
Makes me wanna believe in love (Mmm)
I love the thought of us in the evening
Crave the feeling
The way you feel, somethin' 'bout a feeling
I'm praying we don't fuck this up (Ah-ah-ah, babe)
Others that I've had had to impress me before
But I knew you were the real thing
When you walked through the door
I didn't think I would have to spell it out
Don't put the bands, put the bands on me
All my love, all my love is free
Ain't no price on my loyalty
No shit, got me right where you want me, baby
Could I be more obvious? (Ooh)
Hard to think when I'm under you
Tell you all of my dirty truths
No shit, got me right where you want me, baby
Could I be more obvious?
[Verse 2]
Maybe if I'm lucky, you might stay the afternoon
If you gotta work, just promise me you'll come back soon
Maybe you should pack a suitcase too (Too)
I love the thought of you never leavin' (No)
Days are beating
Gettin' steps up on the treadmill while you sleepin'
Never thought I'd believe in love again
Others that I've had had to impress me before
But I knew you were the real thing
When you walked through the door
I didn't think I would have to spell it out
Don't put the bands, put the bands on me
All my love, all my love is free
Ain't no price on my loyalty
No shit, got me right where you want me, baby
Could I be more obvious? (Ooh)
Hard to think when I'm under you
Tell you all of my dirty truths
No shit, got me right where you want me, baby
Could I be more obvious?

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