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Five Finger Death Punch - Bulletproof

Five Finger Death Punch — Bulletproof

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You can take the money, you can take the ride
You can take it all but never get inside
You can't take my honor, you can't take my soul
You can't take the fact you'll never have control
You won't break me
No matter how hard you try
You can't shake me down
I'm fucking bulletproof
All I've learned, it's like poison
All I've done, inside my veins
All I've seen, it's like venom
All I know, it's all that remains
You can keep the fortune, and you can have the fame
You can have the shit you never will obtain
You can't take my virute, no you can't take my pride
You can't take the anger building up inside
You won't break me
No matter how hard you try
You can't shake me down
I'm fucking bulletproof
All I've learned, it's like poison
All I've done, inside my veins
All I've seen, it's like venom
All I know, it's all that remains
You won't break me
No matter how hard you try
You can't shake me down
I'm fucking bulletproof
All I've learned, it's like poison
All I've done, inside my veins
All I've seen, it's like venom
All I know, it's all that remains
All I've learned, it's like poison
All I've done, inside my veins
All I've seen, it's like venom
All I know, it's all that remains

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