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Giorgia - Record Company Blues

Giorgia — Record Company Blues

Record Company Blues

Well I've got to tell a story
Might be old but is new
Yes I've got to tell a story
Might be old but is new so
Good before we fall in love
Take hear of what I say to you don't
Misunderstand me
Look and view I want of all thing no
Please understand me
If you have our real last thing
If you have a good understanding
You can enjoy the heaviness of the rings
My story is a long long story
And I could go on and on and on
But I'd better not go further
'Coz I'd be here all night long
And I've got another real good reason
Because record companies don't make records that long
So I'm gonna leave you with my story
To some it's old but to some it's new
I'm gonna leave you with my story
It might be old but man it's new
So before before we fall in love with somebody
Make sure they understand you
(Solo guitarra)
My story, is a long story
I could go on and on and on and on
Well I'd better not go further 'cause
I'd be here I'd be here all night all night long
Some gonna leave you with my story
To some it's old to some it's new
I'm gonna leave you with my story
To some it's old to some it's new
So before we fall in love with somebody
Before you fall in love with somebody
Make sure they understand you

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