Тексты и переводы песен

Falls Back On

No, I don't guess, I don't sacrifice
And I know I don't realize
Just how much I can idolize
And I know, and I know
And then I find it falls back on to me
You see, believe
And down onto you
We knew, it's true
And I won't beg to stay, to leave
Or to believe a word you say
And then I guess it all falls back on you
To find out, find out what's the deal
And I guess you don't simplify
It's just you had to take
And I know, and I know
And then I guess it all falls back on you
There's a fine line between right and wrong
And I know we knew all along
Just how much I can belong
And I know, and I know
And then I find it falls back on to me
You see, believe
And down onto you
We knew, it's true
And I won't beg to stay, to leave
Or to believe a word you say
And then I guess it all falls back on you
To find out, find out what's the deal
And I guess you don't simplify
It's just you had to take
And I know, and I know
And then I find it all falls back on you
'Cause I'm really up on this
'Cause I'm really up on this
'Cause I've seen it before
Where the hell did I get through you?
No, I don't guess, I don't sacrifice
And I know I don't realize
Just how much I can idolize
And I know, and I know
And then I find it falls back on to me
You see, believe
And down onto you
We knew, it's true
And I won't beg to stay, to leave
Or to believe a word you say
And then I guess it all falls back on you
To find out, find out what's the deal
And I guess you don't simplify
It's just you had to take
And I know, and I know
And then I guess it all falls back on you
On you
On you

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