Тексты и переводы песен


My hopes just fell, and I can't see
The reason why
Why there is blood on my sleeve
And all this time, I thought it mine
But it's not, it's yours and
It's not worth it for me
Gets harder every time call you
This life you lead
Like swimming in a shiny ballroom
Next time you bleed
Right about this time tomorrow
Next time you steal
Better ask before you borrow
And I don't see too well, don't sing too well
And I settle to scream
Just grab your shit, and leave with it
They won't make no statues of you
It's not worth it for me
Gets harder every time call you
This life you lead
Like swimming in a shiny ballroom
Next time you bleed
Right about this time tomorrow
Next time you steal
Better ask before you borrow
This label thief, find a better title suited for you
This tidal wave, is coming down upon you
This time I've forgotten
I swear this shit was rotten
This time, I believe it
'Cause I've seen the shit you're needin'
It's not worth it for me
Gets harder every time call you
This life you lead
Like swimming in a shiny ballroom
Next time you bleed
Right about this time tomorrow
Next time you steal
Better ask before you borrow
This label thief, find a better title suited for you
This tidal wave, is coming down upon you

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