Тексты и переводы песен


Peter Gabriel — Intruder

с альбома: New Blood (2011)


I know something about
Opening windows and doors
I know how to move quietly
To creep across creaky wooden floors
I know where to find precious things
In all your cupboards and drawers

Slipping the clippers
Slipping the clippers through the telephone wires
The sense of isolation
The sense of isolation inspires me

I like to feel the suspense
When I'm certain you know I am there
I like you lying awake
Your bated breath charging the air
I like the touch and the smell
Of all the pretty dresses you wear

Intruder's happy in the dark
Intruder come
Intruder come and he leave his mark
Leave his mark, leave his mark

Leave his mark, leave his mark
Leave his mark, leave his mark
Leave his mark, leave his mark

I am the intruder

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